Green Pin shackle with 20 kN WLL is a compact yet very strong connector for rigging longlines and highlines.
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Product description
Shackle D Green Pin (made by Holland Van Beest) with 2 tons WLL and 12 tons breaking strength is used as a connector in longline, highline and trickline tensioning systems.
Inner width of this size is 21 mm and it can be used with most of the FX series weblocks (Canon, Paddle and Katana).
Made in Netherlands.
Data sheet
- Weight 330 g
- WLL 20 kN
- Breaking Strength 120 kN
- Inner width 21 mm
Bandit FX (as well as rigging systems Tandem, Minima and Quatron) is not compatible with Green Pin (or any other "industrial") shackles. The best connector for these products is a 10 or 12 mm stainless steel shackle.