Universal weblock to be used with a soft shackle or any other textile sling. Perfect for projects that require minimal weight - Soft Ring weighs less than 40 grams!
Product description
Soft Ring is a special aluminium “sleeve” that allows to use soft-release webbing with a soft shackle (it protects soft-shackle dyneema fibers against melting). It is available in two versions - with or without the pin.
Pinless version weighs only 38 grams and can be used for a soft release or, when combined with alu Linelocker, as a simple weblock. This combination weighs just 62 grams which makes it the lightest weblock on market (with WLL 6 kN)!
Pin version offers to attach the releasing webbing sewn loop independently, so it is protected against abrasion.
You can use any soft shackle, rope or textile sling with diameter up to 18 mm with Soft Ring.
It is such universal and lightweight piece of gear no slackliner should miss it in his gear rack.
Data sheet
- Weight 38 g
- WLL 10 kN
- Breaking Strength 50 kN
- Inner width 26 mm
Due to absent legal restrictions for slackline (and especially highline), there are currently no norms in place and thus all manufacturers including ourselves are obliged to clearly state that their products are unqualified for highline. Products with at least 30kN MBS are however commonly used in highline but it is utterly important to get familiarised with all safety measurements and precautions, as well as having sufficient experience with tensioning.