Walking a 100m-long line is bloody tough! Your feet and shoulders hurt but you’ve reached Nirvana. And that is why Pegas is composed of only the very best components; to allow you focus only on you walk. Newly 150 m version contains Candy webbing.
Product description
Newly we put 1x Pirat PP instead of Canon into the Pegas kit.
The Pegas longline is a set for the craft-masters. Quatron FX pulley makes tensioning 100m-long or even a longer line easy and its compact size makes sure there’s still plenty room for your snack.
The Pegas can be customized at your will which is what makes it very convenient. Choose the webbing, eye type, line and multiplier to make a custom set.
A shorter webbing (40m for 110m line and 60m for 150m line) will ease your bag but will take a bit longer to set. On the other hand, longer webbing (60m for 110m Dragon or 80m for 150m Candy) enhances tensioning but weight-wise is a bit more demanding.
Anyway, do watch the video instructions.
Lightweight and strong Pirat PP weblock, is of course part of the Pegas guaranteed safety! All other components possess adequate strength. The Pegas is arguably the absolute high-end slackline set on our offer.
If you feel up to the 100m challenge, Pegas is meant for you! It was designed, tested, and made in the Czech Republic.
What will you get in Pegas kit (besides a huge challenge):
- 110 m Dragon - sturdy 3 ton PES webbing or 150 m Candy - heavy duty 4 ton PES webbing with reinforced sewn loop
- Quatron FX - ultralight pulley system with several rope lengths and multiplier options
- 1x Pirat PP - light weblock with Pullpin
- Shackle Omega 12mm - stainless steel
- Shackle D 12 mm - stainless steel
- Shackle Omega 1,5 to - Green Pin
- Two Spansets (WLL 1 ton, 2 or 3 meters)
- TreePad - tree bark protection, because trees are your friends!
Data sheet
- Length 110 / 150 m
- Width 25 mm
- Weight 14,5 / 21,5 kg
- WLL 10 kN
- Breaking Strength
The kit contains everything you need including tree protection. All that’s now needed is enthusiasm, courage and patience :)
In principle, Quatron FX is a dual pulley system (quadruple pulley system is in use instead of double pulleys) making its efficiency higher than standard pulley.
Woven eyes allow tensioning faster, yes, but a weblock on both sides is recommended for lines longer than 100 metres due to increased efficiency, strength, and safety.